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Inquiry Into e-Scooters, e-Bikes and Related Mobility Options

February 13, 2025|

Update: 13 February 2025. NSW Parliamentary Enquiry Report Tabled The NSW Parliamentary Enquiry has released the report of Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Transport and the Arts, entitled 'Use of e-scooters, e-bikes and related mobility options'. The report was tabled in the Legislative Council on 13 February 2025 and is[...]

Oxford Street East Cycleway

February 6, 2025|

Last Update: 6 February 2025 A petition has been developed requesting that Oxford Street East Cycleway (OSEC) be discontinued. When closed the petition will be presented to the Legislative Assembly for debate by Kellie Sloane (Member for Vaucluse)[..]

Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

December 12, 2024|

Update 12 December 2024. The Paddington Society has provided a submission to the Council with outline comments regarding the third round of EV chargers and the three newly proposed sites for Paddington. Many consider the site opposite 12 Ormond Street site unsuitable, and the Society suggests adding it to those[...]

Your Say: Public Toilet at Gugara Park

December 6, 2024|

Gugara Park proposed toilet block locations Woollahra Municipal Council (WMC) proposes installing a public toilet at Gugara Park in Paddington and would like to know your preferred location from two options. The Society believes neither option is suitable and has prepared a submission to the Council. Download The[...]

The Village Inn Update

November 29, 2024|

Update: 29 November, 2024 The Land and Environment Court Decision Handed Down The Land and Environment Court’s decision has dismissed the appeal by the Applicant and determined that Development Application no. DA 243/2023 for a change of use from the existing hotel to a retail and commercial use and minor[...]

Chauvel Cinema’s Closure Fears

October 30, 2024|

The ABC has reported that the City of Sydney has reduced rent for Palace Cinemas to keep the Chauvel Cinema, a beloved venue in Paddington Town Hall, operational. Facing poor ticket sales and a deteriorating building, Palace had considered closing the two-screen cinema, which has been running at a loss.[...]

Paddington Bowling Club Update

September 19, 2024|

In late 2021, the Planning and Public Spaces Minister, Rob Stokes, determined that the site of the abandoned Paddington Bowling Club in Quarry Street should be returned to the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC), clearing the path for the title to be transferred to La Perouse LALC as[...]

Low and Mid Rise Housing Reforms Update

August 26, 2024|

The Committee has actively participated in two recent community-led forums on this issue. "Community Need Not Developer Greed" Sponsored by Nicola Grieve, Greens Councillor for Woollahra 23 July at Waverley Community Centre The first speaker was James Ryan, Solicitor, recently for The Total Environment Centre. He warned that, as currently[...]

Meet Your Woollahra Municipal Councillors – Tuesday August 13

June 24, 2024|

Your opportunity to meet your Ward Councillors to discuss key issues in your area Throughout the year, Woollahra Municipal Council (WMC) holds sessions for residents to meet their Ward Councillors and discuss key issues or concerns. Sessions are organised if there is high demand from the community and Councillors. These[...]

Better Planning Network

May 31, 2024|

Forum at NSW Parliament Theatrette Wednesday 7 August at 6.30pm In late April, The Paddington Society met with the Better Planning Network (BPN)  to discuss the State Government's planning changes that encourage more housing - known as the 'Diverse and Well located Housing Reform' and the 'Low and Mid-Rise Housing[...]

Local Government Election and Constitutional Referendum – September 2024

May 27, 2024|

NSW Local Government Election 2024 and Constitutional Referendum. 2024 NSW Local Government elections are coming up for residents in both the City of Sydney and Woollahra. At this year's Local Government Election on 14 September 2024 Woollhara voters will be asked to vote for your Ward Councillors. You will also be[...]

Your Say: NSW Government’s Proposed Planning Changes

April 3, 2024|

Have your say on the NSW Government's proposal to implement significant changes to housing in our area. The NSW Government’s proposed changes to planning for low and mid-rise housing highlight a complete lack of regard for existing housing density, local character, heritage conservation and local planning controls. If implemented, the[...]

NSW Greens To Chair Inquiry Into Planning Reform

March 7, 2024|

The NSW Parliament has established an Inquiry into the highly controversial Transport-Oriented Development State Environment Planning Policy (TOD SEPP) and the diverse and well-located homes program. These changes are part of a series that the State Government is implementing to meet its pre-election housing targets and will result in density changes without Council or community consent.

NSW Government Planning Reforms

March 1, 2024|

In December the NSW Planning Department released a proposal, Changes to Create Low and Mid Rise Housing to increase housing density in well located areas in Sydney, to help with the housing crisis. The Department has also released proposals to create high-rise housing around certain train and metro stops, but none in the eastern part of the city.



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