If you are interested in becoming involved with the Society please contact us. A list of our objectives can be found below:



The objects for which the Society is established are:

  • 1

    To promote the conservation of all features of Paddington having beauty, architectural, historic and/or social value.

  • 2

    To promote the conservation of all significant heritage fabric, both internal and external, to ensure changes to private property do not diminish the heritage value of the area.

  • 3

    To promote the conservation and improvement of all elements of the public domain including open space, parks, streets, lanes and passageways and to ensure that any changes recognise the heritage value of the place and do not inhibit public pedestrian access and movement.

  • 4

    To promote Paddington as a sustainable, compact, pedestrian neighbourhood where the pedestrian has priority over vehicles.

  • 5

    To promote the improved governance of Paddington as a place with special urban and heritage attributes which require appropriate care and consideration.

  • 6

    To encourage improved traffic management and reduced traffic speeds through sympathetic urban design measures which are not detrimental to the heritage environment.

  • 7
    To discourage inappropriate structures and advertising signage which have a detrimental impact on the heritage environment.
  • 8
    To enhance existing amenities and introduce additional amenities, activities and facilities which serve to develop the Paddington culture and lifestyle.
  • 9

    To identify, conserve, record and archive matters and items of significance to the social, cultural and physical fabric of Paddington and to make them available to future generations.

  • 10

    To augment the sustainable form of Paddington by encouraging the introduction of appropriate technologies which reduce energy and water consumption without harmful effects upon the heritage environment.

  • 11

    To promote a friendly, sociable and safe living environment for use by people and families of all ages.

  • 12

    To educate residents, potential residents and visitors about the heritage background and significance of Paddington as a unique example of a successful inner urban village.

The Paddington Society has a Constitution which is binding on members.


The objects for which the Society is established are:

  • 1

    To promote the conservation of all features of Paddington having beauty, architectural, historic and/or social value.

  • 2

    To promote the conservation all significant heritage fabric, both internal and external, to ensure changes to private property do not diminish the heritage value of the area.

  • 3

    To promote the conservation and improvement of all elements of the public domain including open space, parks, streets, lanes and passageways and to ensure that any changes recognise the heritage value of the place and do not inhibit public pedestrian access and movement

  • 4

    To promote Paddington as a sustainable, compact, pedestrian neighbourhood where the pedestrian has priority over vehicles.

  • 5

    To promote the improved governance of Paddington as a place with special urban and heritage attributes which require appropriate care and consideration.

  • 6

    To encourage improved traffic management and reduced traffic speeds through sympathetic urban design measures which are not detrimental to the heritage environment.

  • 7
    To discourage inappropriate structures and advertising signage which have a detrimental impact on the heritage environment.
  • 8
    To enhance existing amenities and introduce additional amenities, activities and facilities which serve to develop the Paddington culture and lifestyle.
  • 9

    To identify, conserve, record and archive matters and items of significance to the social, cultural and physical fabric of Paddington and to make them available to future generations.

  • 10

    To augment the sustainable form of Paddington by encouraging the introduction of appropriate technologies which reduce energy and water consumption without harmful effects upon the heritage environment.

  • 11

    To promote a friendly, sociable and safe living environment for use by people and families of all ages.

  • 12

    To educate residents, potential residents and visitors about the heritage background and significance of Paddington as a unique example of a successful inner urban village.

The Paddington Society has a Constitution which is binding on members.