Forum at NSW Parliament Theatrette
Wednesday 7 August at 6.30pm

In late April, The Paddington Society met with the Better Planning Network (BPN)  to discuss the State Government’s planning changes that encourage more housing – known as the ‘Diverse and Well located Housing Reform’ and the ‘Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy’. The Better Planning Network is a state-wide not-for-profit organisation representing community resident groups, advocating for better planning via community engagement, and the protection of environment and heritage values in the face of vested interests. Note that The Paddington Society is a member of The Better Planning Network, donating a small sum to them annually.

The BPN are concerned that the YIMBY movement (Yes in my Backyard) is vocal and powerful, and is establishing a narrative with government that development is being blocked by NIMBYs (such as The Paddington Society). The BPN fears that the reforms will be negative for the environment and heritage, and were devised without consultation except with developer groups. We are concerned that development will threaten our Heritage Conservation areas. A State Environmental Planning Policy is expected to bring these measures into effect by September.

The Better Planning Network, along with Saving Greater Sydney Coalition, are organising a forum of planning experts on Wednesday 7 August at 6.30pm at NSW Parliament Theatrette. We urge you to attend if you are at all concerned about this housing policy, or want to find more about it. Alternatively, you can send us your concerns and we will represent you at this forum.