Update: 29 November, 2024
The Land and Environment Court Decision Handed Down
The Land and Environment Court’s decision has dismissed the appeal by the Applicant and determined that Development Application no. DA 243/2023 for a change of use from the existing hotel to a retail and commercial use and minor works, including shopfront, internal floor plan changes and identification signage at 9-11 Glenmore Road, Paddington has been refused consent.
the loss of that pub-use is, on the current evidence, an adverse heritage impact that must be avoided
Salient information from the judgement noted that “… the continued operation of the Hotel has been specifically identified as an element of its heritage significance; and the loss of that pub-use is, on the current evidence, an adverse heritage impact that must be avoided.”

(L-R) Cr Harriet Price, Society President Esther Hayter, and the Intersection’s Theo Onisforou
In addition, it states that “… there has been no satisfactory ‘demonstration that the operation of the Hotel is not viable’…” and that “… the removal of the pub use directly and adversely affects its heritage significance of the Hotel in contravention of the aims of the LEP in cl 1.2(2)(f) and of the relevant heritage conservation objectives and provisions …”
There has been significant local support for preserving the Village Inn as a pub with “… Some 236 submissions received, 233 by way of objection and 3 submissions in support. The notification of the amended DA generated further objections…”
The Court concluded that “… the development application is refused consent …” and ordered, “… the appeal is dismissed.”
Original Post: 28 August 2024
The Village Inn Development Application (9-11 Glenmore Road Paddington, DA 243/2023/1) remains unresolved.
Local residents will be aware of on-going community concerns about the proposal for the change of use and conversion of this strategically located, well patronised and much loved local pub to a retail clothing store; the proposal also involves extensive renovations to the internal and external fabric of the building.
August 2023 saw an outpouring of over 200 written objections to Woollahra Council, accompanied by massive support for a petition to “Save the Village Inn” which gained almost 8,000 signatures. The Paddington Society joined Paddington Ward Councillor Harriet Price and Independent Member for Sydney Alex Greenwich and many others in objecting. We sent lengthy written submissions against the proposal.
Woollahra Municipal Council shared the community’s concerns, listing many objections in addition to those submitted, resulting in Refusal, unanimously recommended by the Woollahra Local Planning Panel in October 2023.
The documents have twice been amended, with minor improvements, and the Applicant’s appeals against the Refusal have twice been listed with on-site Conciliation and hearings in the Land and Environment Court.
On both occasions, the Society joined Councillor Price and local residents in making verbal submissions, partly to the potential use of the substantial open roof terrace and upper level for large gatherings, and most significantly objecting to the change of use of the building. We share Council’s contention that the proposal is not in the public interest.
We are advised that after the latest hearing on 15/16 August 2024, the Senior Commissioner reserved her decision. It is anticipated that the Court will deliver judgement in the next 6 weeks to 3 months. We will keep you informed about the outcome.