The Paddington Society offers many compelling reasons for you to join. We would love to welcome you as a member.

Why you should join

  • You Live Here! This is your neighbourhood and your community.
  • Preservation: You believe in safeguarding Paddington’s unique character.
  • A Vibrant Future: You want to witness Paddington’s continued vibrancy for the next decades.
  • Love for Learning: You’re curious about our fascinating history in the Australian narrative.
  • Environmental Care: You cherish this special place and want to see it preserved for future generations
  • Thoughtful Mind: You’re a critical thinker who appreciates what makes Paddington unique.
  • Meet your neighbours and other residents at social gatherings organised by the Society.
  • Enjoy access to a diverse range of interesting activities including the annual dinner, occasional talks and the festive season party.
  • Receive The Paddington Society email newsletter. This will keep you in touch with what’s happening.
  • Keep up-to-date with our e-mail alerts. We also use e-mail to advise members of urgent matters, such as public meetings on DA’s etc.
  • Be committed. Residents are the temporary custodians of Paddington; it’s a great feeling to be part of our growth and development.
  • Participate in our sub-committees. You can participate in grass-roots community action by becoming involved with one of our sub-committees if interested.
  • Help influence local planning and development outcomes. You can be active and informed on local planning and development issues that have a direct impact on the quality of your street and neighbourhood.
  • Share your expertise. We have a broad range of expertise and skills amongst our membership and always need more! Tasks are varied and interesting. Remember, the Society is run entirely by volunteers so your skills are always welcome.
  • Member-only discounts for events, books and more.

If any of these resonate with you, join The Paddington Society today. Paddington is truly one-of-a-kind.

Act now – your modest annual subscription supports our vital initiatives on behalf of the community and helps to secure Paddington’s future.

Already a member? You can manage your membership here.