NSW Local Government Election 2024 and Constitutional Referendum.

At this year’s Local Government Election on 14 September 2024 you’ll be asked to vote for your Ward Councillors. You will also be asked to vote in a Constitutional Referendum. The election and referendum will be conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission.

In addition to voting for your elected representatives you will be asked to respond to a Constitutional Referendum on reducing the number of Woollahra Municipal Councillors from 15 to 9. The referendum question is:

“Do you favour reducing the total number of Councillors from 15 to 9?”

You will be prompted to vote Yes or No. Both the election and referendum will be conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission.

Find out more on the Woollahra Council Your Say Website

More Info:

There are currently 15 councillors serving a population of 53,496 across five wards. A reduction in the number of councillors may result in a reduction of Wards across the Woollahra Council Local Government Area (including Paddington); with a possible reduction of 5 Wards to 3. If the majority of electors vote Yes to this proposal at the upcoming election, the reduction in the number of Councillors would come into effect for the term of Council commencing in 2028. Voting in the election and referendum is compulsory for Australian Citizens over the age of 18 years.

Here are some considerations in response to the Referendum question:


  • Reducing the number of Councillors might make decision-making faster and easier
  • Reducing the number of Councillors will provide an ongoing cost saving for Council


  • Having fewer Councillors might make electors feel underrepresented
  • Having fewer Councillors might result in less diversity and fewer viewpoints on the Council
  • A reduction or change in the number of Wards might also make electors feel underrepresented

Please consider your vote carefully. One of the most important roles of a Councillor is to participate in policy decision-making on behalf of the community. Councillors ideally work as a team to create and review the council’s policies that guide the activities of the Council. Councillors also provide leadership and guidance to the community and help communication between the community and the Council.

The Society is concerned that the reduction in Councillor numbers and the potential reduction in Ward numbers would be a significant change to the make-up of our elected representatives on  Woollahra Council. This is being proposed during a period of major disruptive change imposed on Council, Councillors and affected communities by the NSW Government’s planning ‘reforms’.

We also seek further clarification on potential cost and resource savings. More to follow.