The Hughenden Hotel located at 8-16 Queen Street Woollahra recently submitted Development Application DA 474/2023/1

“Redevelopment of the Hughenden Boutique Hotel, including extensive demolition of all but the two-storey Victorian Villa which is to be retained; construction of a new four storey hotel with 43 hotel rooms/suites and ancillary ground floor restaurant/function area and a new basement level incorporating a gym and services area.”

Detailed plans for the site are available on the Woollahra Municipal Council website under the DA search.

While acknowledging the necessity for renovating the Hughenden Hotel, it’s important that any renovations adhere to the area’s heritage restrictions and do not exacerbate parking issues for residents and businesses. The Paddington Society believes that this proposal is inappropriate with respect to the desired future character of its site and its context within the Woollahra HCA and the directly adjacent Paddington HCA. If approved in its present form, we believe that this proposal would be a very unwelcome addition to Queen Street and Woollahra. It would also be a very unwelcome precedent in Queen Street, exceeding existing use rights and the services the existing modestly scaled hotel provides.

Read our submission and learn more about our objections and concerns.